"And if one feels anything in the presence of God save an utter poverty of spirit, it ultimately means that you have never faced Him. That is the meaning of this Beatitude" - Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:3) - Martyn Lloyd-Jones
While these are convicting words, they are also comforting words. For who would be helped by a god so unimpressive that we could boast or feel any measure of self-worth in His presence? The reality of a God whose mere presence shatters all pride in man is a God who is definitely worthy to commit both life and death.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones continues, "What emphasis the world places on its belief in self-reliance, self-confidence, and self-expression! If you want to get on in this world, it says, believe in yourself. That idea is absolutely controlling the life of men at the present time. Indeed I would say it is controlling the whole of life outside the Christian message."
Think about it. Aren't you glad you need not "believe in self"? "Self" slips and stumbles in many different ways. But God...He is holding everything together. Start with Him, and seek Him out until you are humbled. Once you are humbled by Him, then you know you have gotten a mere glimpse of Him.