Luke 9:51-62 To Receive Jesus is to Follow Him, and to Follow Him is Costly
Where we preach through the Bible
(we are currently working verse-by-verse through Luke)
and we pray together.
(we have midweek prayer services and exercise Scripture-based prayer)
Luke 9:37-50 This Will Need to Sink into Your Ears
Luke 9:28-36 The Curtains are Pulled Back for a Moment
Luke 9:23-27 Spending Your Life on Your Savior
Luke 8:40-56 Behind a Frowning Providence He Hides a Smiling Face
Luke 8:26-39 What Demons Do Not Want You to Know
Luke 8:22-25 Storms are Necessary for the Christian Life
Luke 7:11-17 Comfort...even in the Shadows of Death
Luke 7:1-10 Worthiness, Authority, and Faith
Luke 6:46-49 How Great of a Risk are You Willing to Take?
Luke 6:37-45 Judge not... (considered in context)
Luke 6:27-36 Love Your Enemies
Luke 6:20-26 Needed Perspective for Those who Follow Jesus
Matthew 4:1-11 Facing Temptations (Jr High Camp, night 4 of 5)
Matthew 3:13-17 Baptism (Jr High Camp, night 3 of 5)
Matthew 3:1-12 Examine Your Works (Jr High Camp, night 2 of 5))
Matthew 3:1-4 Repent (Jr High Camp, night 1 of 5)
Luke 6:12-19 When You Pray All Night Yet Feel Betrayed
Luke 6:1-11 How Shall We Honor the Lord on the Lord's Day?
Luke 5:27-39 How Great Sinners Become Joyful Followers